Development of Tests for Electronic Item Bank for Tests Measuring Learning Outcomes of Students in Undergraduate Education Programs Based on the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: An Application of Multidimensional Item Response Theory

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Jiraporn Meesanga
Kamonwan Tangdhanakanond
Shotiga Pasiphol


The purposes of this study were to 1) develop a measurement model of learning outcomes of students in undergraduate education programs based on the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, 2) develop tests for measuring learning outcomes of students in undergraduate education programs based on the Thai Qualifications Framework to be stored in the electronic item bank. The sample consisted of 1,014 fourth year undergraduate students, obtained through multi-stage sampling. The research instruments were tests for measuring learning outcomes of students in undergraduate education programs based on the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. Data analysis employed G2, AIC, BIC, difficulty parameter and discrimination parameter. The results were as follows:

1. There were 4 measurement models for measuring learning outcomes of students in undergraduate education programs based on the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: 1) the cognitive skill measurement model, 2) the interpersonal and responsibility skills measurement model, 3) the numerical analysis, communication, information technology skills measurement model, and 4) the learning management skill measurement model. The construct validity analysis of the measurement models showed that the measurement models had propriety.

2. The items for electronic item bank measuring learning outcomes of students in undergraduate education programs based on the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education were 4-choice situational tests consisting of 279 items, with the IOC ranging from 0.60 to 1.00. In addition, the item analysis based on MIRT showed that the two-parameter multidimensional item response models were best fit for all test forms, with the mean of item difficulty parameter of 0.069 and the mean of item discrimination parameter of 0.862. As a whole, it can be concluded that the difficulty level of the tests was in the moderate level and had good discrimination.

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