Item Bank Classified by Content and Difficulty Levels: Using Item Response Theory

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Surachai Raksombat
Piyathip Pradujphom
Kanok Panthong


This study aimed to analyze the quality of test items in mathematics using the item response theory with the three-parameter model in mathematics of grade 7, and to organize the item bank for grade 7, classified by content and difficulty levels. The research methodology comprised 4 steps: 1) analysis of the quality of test items using the item response theory with the three-parameter model; 2) classification of difficulty levels according to the item difficulty parameter; 3) assessment of the construct validity and behavioral measures; and 4) organizing the item bank, classified by content and difficulty levels.

The results showed that:

1. The successful questions analyzed with the item response theory with three- parameter model had the item difficulty parameters ranging from -1.19 to 2.49 (Mean = 1.20, SD = 0.81), the item discrimination parameters ranging from 0.51 to 2.42 (Mean = 1.15, SD = 0.40), and the item guessing parameters ranging from 0.08 to 0.30 (Mean = 0.23, SD = 0.03).

2. The quality questions were divided into three levels: easy, moderate and difficult. In the first level, the easy level, the item difficulty parameters ranged from -1.19 to 0.50. In the second level, the moderate level, the item difficulty parameters ranged from 0.51 to 1.50. And finally, in the third level, the difficult level, the item difficulty parameters ranged from 1.51 to 2.49.

3. The successful questions that had been assessed on the construct validity and behavioral measures yielded the following data: the construct validity (Mean = 4.69, SD = 0.12) and behavioral measures (Mean = 4.76, SD = 0.10); on the whole, the consistency was in the highest level.

4. The item bank of grade 7 mathematics, classified by content and difficulty levels, had a total of 345 successful items (The total test items used in the research was 480). They could be divided into three learning substances: the first learning substance was number and algebra which had 238 items (32 easy, 105 moderate and 101 difficult); the second learning substance was measurement and geometry which had 80 items (20 easy, 32 moderate and 28 difficult); and the third learning substance was statistics and probability which had 27 items (6 easy, 10 moderate and 11 difficult).

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