Comparison of Mathematical Learning Achievement and Mathematical Problem Solving Ability on Sequences and Series for Grade 11 Students, Between Inductive Organizing of Learning Activities and the Traditional Organizing of Learning Activities
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop inductive plans of organizing learning activities and traditional plans of organizing learning activities on the mathematical topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students to meet the efficiency criterion of 75/75; 2) study the effectiveness indexes of the inductive plans of organizing learning activities and traditional plans of organizing learning activities on the mathematical topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students; 3) compare of mathematical achievement and mathematical problem solving ability on the topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students between the inductive organizing of learning activities and traditional organizing of learning activities; 4) study learning retention on the topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students who learned with the inductive organizing of learning activities. The sample consisted of 70 grade 11 students from 2 classes in Bungkan School, Mueang Buengkan District, Buengkan Province in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2017, obtained through cluster random sampling. The research tools consisted of inductive plans of organizing learning activities and traditional plans of organizing learning activities on the mathematical topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students, a learning achievement test, a mathematical problem solving ability test, and a mathematics learning retention test. The statistics employed in data analysis were percentage, the mean, standard deviation and Hotelling T2 and t–test (dependent samples) were employed in the hypothesis testing.
The results of the study were as follows:
1. The inductive plans of organizing learning activities and the traditional plans of organizing learning activities on the mathematical topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students that had been constructed by the researcher had the efficiency of 79.74/77.52 and 77.93/76.48 respectively, and they met the 75/75 criterion.
2. The effectiveness indexes of the inductive organizing of learning activities and the traditional organizing of learning activities on the mathematical topic of Sequences and Series for grade 11 students were 0.6560 and 0.6378 respectively. It means that the students had the learning progress of 65.60 and 63.78 percent, respectively.
3. The grade 11 students who studied with the inductive organizing of learning activities had the mathematical achievement and mathematical problems solving ability on the topic of Sequences and Series higher than those who studied with the traditional organizing of learning activities, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
4. The grade 11 students who studied with the inductive organizing of learning activities on the topic of Sequences and Series had no difference in their immediate post-learning achievement and the 2-week post-learning achievement.
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