Development of an Advice System for Research Publication Required for Graduation of Mahasarakham University Graduate Students

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Oratai Sehaboonmee
Krit Chaimoon
Sudarat Sonbua


         This research aimed to 1) develop an advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students, 2) study and compare the perception of system users before and after using the developed system, 3) study the satisfaction of the system users after using the developed system, and 4) find the efficiency of the system developed. The sample in this study consisted of 50 graduate students of Mahasarakham University, obtained through purposive sampling. The research tools used in this study comprised: 1) the advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students, 2) a survey form for system requirements, 3) an expert evaluation form, and 4) a perception and satisfaction assessment form for using the system. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, the mean, standard deviation and t-test dependent samples.

           The findings were as follows:

           1. The advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students was developed in a form of multimedia. It was composed of text, pictures, subtitles, and a video introducing the content about research publication required for graduation, with a 2-dimentional animation as the narrator of the multimedia. The system was published online on the web site:

            The expert’s opinion from the assessment of the content of the advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students revealed that the suitability of the system content was in the highest level. The suitability of the system design, as a whole and on two aspects: the aspect of the sound and the language and the aspect of duration in using the system was in the highest level. The former ranked first and the latter ranked second. Meanwhile, the aspect of pictures and the font size was in the high level.

            2. After using the system, the perception level of the users on the advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students, on the system content as a whole and on 5 issues, was higher than before using the system, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. That is, before using the system, the perception level on 4 aspects was in the moderate level: 1) checking and retrieving journals in national and international databases; 2) rules, announcements and guidelines for research publication required for graduation; 3) summary of guidelines for research publication or creative works for graduation; and 4) cautions in research publication required for graduation; respectively. The perception level on checking journals on Beall’s list or Hijacked journal list was low. After using the system, the perception level on all issues and the overall content was in the high level.

            3. After using the system, the satisfaction levels of the users on the advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students, as a whole and on each of the 4 aspects were in the high level. Ranked in descending order, the aspects were: on the aspect of usability, the menu was easy to use and it was convenient to access the data; on the aspect of design, the design was systematic with appropriate topics, data, pictures and font size; on language usage, it was clear and appropriate for users; and on the aspect of content, it was worth a necessity and effective problem solving, respectively.

           4. The efficiency of the advice system for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University was in a high level.

           In conclusion, the system that had been developed was an online multimedia system aiming to serve the teaching staff and graduate students. Concerned personnel could study and try to understand about the guidelines for research publication required for graduation of Mahasarakham University graduate students all the time. It was an information system that could facilitate more effective graduate study.

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