Development of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence of Primary School Students: Behavioral Study

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Visuth Klaharn
Poonpong Suksawang


         The purposes of this study were: 1) to design activities to develop the logical-mathematical intelligence basing on mathematical modelling; and 2) to study the results of using the developmental activities on the logical-mathematical intelligence of primary school students before and after using the logical-mathematical intelligence developmental activities that had been developed. The research was a behavioral study. The sample consisted of 160 grade 5 students from Watplongchangphouk School, Klaeng District, Rayong Province. The developmental activities were composed of logical- mathematical intelligence developmental activities. To study the results of using the intelligence developmental activities, the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups were compared.

           The results were found as follows:

           1. The design of the developmental activities for development of the logical-mathematical Intelligence of primary school students was characterized by logical-mathematical Intelligence drills on the computer, constructed by using the Flash CS6 program, basing on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory.

          2. The logical-mathematical behavior of the students before and after the experiment, classified by sex and logical-mathematical characteristic level, was found to be different.

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