Development of Science Learning Activity Packages on Brain-Based Learning for Grade 7 Students
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to find the effectiveness index of the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants for grade 7 students, 2) to develop the analytical thinking skill of grade 7 students who studied by using the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants to meet the criterion of 80 percent, 3) to study the satisfaction of grade 7 students with the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants for grade 7 students. This study employed experimental research methodology. The sample consisted of 32 grade 7 students from Group 2 who studied in the first semester of the academic year 2016, obtained through cluster random sampling. The research tools were: 1) the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants, 2) plans for organizing for learning incorporating the learning activity packages, 3) a learning achievement test 4) an analytical thinking test, and 5) a questionnaire inquiring the students’ satisfaction with the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning. The statistics used in the study were percentage, the mean, and standard deviation. One sample t-test was used in hypothesis testing.
The results were as follows:
1. The effectiveness index of the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants for grade 7 students was 0.6510.
2. The analytical thinking skill of grade 7 students who studied with the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants was higher than the 80 percent criterion, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
3. The grade 7 students’ satisfaction with the science learning activity packages on brain-based learning on the topic of Life Processes of Plants, on the whole, was at the highest level.
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