Development of Indicators for Mathematical Habits of Mind of Upper Secondary Education Students

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Wasana Chanserm
Yannapat Seehamongkon


         The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop indicators for mathematical habits of minds of upper secondary education students; 2) to analyze the model of mathematical habits of minds of upper secondary education students. The sample was divided into 2 groups: group 1 consisted of 847 upper secondary education students in Buriram Province, who were to be the subjects in the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), obtained through stratified random sampling; group 2 consisted of 1,241 upper secondary education students in Buriram Province, who were to be the subjects in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), obtained through stratified random sampling. The instruments comprised: 1) a structured interview form, 2) a rating scale questionnaire. The analysis of data employed the mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and factor analysis.

          The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The indicators for mathematical habits of minds of upper secondary education students composed of 9 components and 60 indicators; 2) the analysis of the model of mathematical habits of minds of upper secondary education students revealed that the construct model was in congruence with the empirical data. The goodness of fit index showed the following summation between the model and the empirical data: chi - square (x2) of 1602.43, degrees of freedom (df) = 1531, p = 0.0645, GFI = 0.958, CFI = 0.999, AGFI = 0.950, SRMR = 0.0356 and RMSEA = 0.00669. The factor loadings were sorted in descending order as follows: questioning and posing doubts, having curiosity, having mathematical process skills, striving for accuracy, having thinking flexibly, having responsibility for one’s own decisions, thinking about thinking, having persistence, and having knowledge in mathematics content, with the factor loading values of 0.923, 0.918, 0.913, 0.908, 0.907, 0.778, 0.733 and 0.564 respectively.

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