Computerized Adaptive Testing System in Information and Communication Technology Literacy Skills for 21st Century of Undergraduate Students

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Shotiga Pasiphol


           This study had three main purposes: 1) to develop components for measuring information and communication technology (ICT) literacy skills of undergraduate students in the 21st century; 2) to develop test items for the test item bank of the ICT literacy skills in the 21st century; and 3) to develop and examine the quality of a computerized adaptive testing (CAT) system for measuring the ICT literacy skills in the 21st century. The sample for the tryout of the test consisted of 1,672 undergraduate students from the state higher education institutions in Bangkok. The sample for the tryout of the testing system consisted of 217 undergraduate students from the state higher education institutions in Bangkok. The analysis of the qualitative data employed content analysis while the analysis of the quantitative data employed descriptive statistics, t-test, and the Item Response Theory was used in the analysis of the test quality. The research results were as follows:

           1. The measurement of the ICT literacy skills in the 21st century had 5 components: 1) information accessibility, 2) information management, 3) information integration, 4) information evaluation, and 5) information communication.

            2. The construction of the test items of the ICT literacy skills in the 21st century according to the operational definition yielded 5-choice test items. Each component had 52 items, therefore there were 260 items. Most of the test items passed the content validity evaluation, representing 79.61 percent. The reliability analysis of the 10 sets of the tests yielded the mean of .63. The analysis of each test item quality according to the Item Response Theory (IRT) found that the 2PL unidimensional model was most congruent with the answers of all of the tests. The selection of the quality test items to be stored in the test item bank yielded 212 test items, with the mean of item difficulty parameters of .18 (SD.= 2.06) and the mean of item discrimination parameters of .70 (SD =.39). On the whole, it can be concluded that the test items selected to be stored in the test item bank of the CAT system had moderate difficulty and discrimination. (3) The CAT system was designed for online purpose using PHP. The system had four stages: 1) registration, 2) test assembly design, 3) test delivery, including parameter estimation, item selection, and test termination, and (4) test score report. Accompanying manuals of the CAT system were developed for two types of users: 1) the manual for general users, and 2) the manual for the system administrators. The quality of the CAT system was evaluated by a group of experts both on the whole and on minor aspects which were utility, possibility of practical use, appropriateness, and accuracy. The evaluation results showed that the quality of the system reached the highest levels for all aspects. Moreover, the students were satisfied at a high level with the functions of the CAT system on the aspects of good display, easy-to-use design, and the system performance.

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