Development of a Multimedia Measuring Instrument for the Desirable Characteristic of Work Commitment of Grade 6 Students under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Jiraporn Prommali
Somnuek Pattiyathanee


         This research aimed to 1) construct and find the quality of the multimedia measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment of grade 6 students under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, and 2) create norms for interpretation of the scores obtained from using the measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment of grade 6 students under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample in this research consisted of 440 grade 6 students from 17 schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, obtained through multi-stage random sampling. The instrument used was a measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment. For each item, a situation was given and the student was to choose the answer from the 4 choices given. The instrument contained 25 items. It was constructed in 2 formats, multimedia and traditional. Each format was used 3 times in the experiment; in the 1st and the 2nd time each had a sample of 60 students in order to analyze and find the discrimination of each item for improvement. In the 3rd time a sample of 100 students was used in order to find the reliability and create norms in the form of T-score. Then the T-score was extrapolated by using the predictive equation.

           The results of the research revealed the following:

           1. The construction of the measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment yielded 2 main indicators: 1) intention and responsibility in doing work, and 2) working with perseverance and patience in order to meet the goal.

The results of finding the quality of the measuring instrument revealed that:

                   2.1. In the first pilot test, the item discrimination (rxy ) of the multimedia format, after the statistical significance had been tested, had the statistical significance at the .05 level;  27 out of 30 items met the criterion. All the usable items were kept, and their item discrimination (rxy ) ranged from .23 to .62. They were to be used in the second test.

                   For the traditional format, 28 out of 30 items met the criterion. All the usable items were kept, and their item discrimination (rxy ) ranged from .23 to .70. They were to be used in the second test.

                   2.2 In the 2nd test, the item discrimination (rxy ) of the multimedia format, after the statistical significance had been tested, had the statistical significance at the .05 level; 27 items met the criterion; 25 items were kept, and their item discrimination (rxy ) ranged from .32 to .79, and the total reliability was .90. They were to be used in the third test.

                       For the traditional format, 28 items met the criterion; 25 items were kept, and their item discrimination (rxy ) ranged from .32 to .82. The total reliability was .91. They were to be used in the third test.

                   2.3 In the 3rd test, the multimedia measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment of grade 6 students containing 25 items had item discrimination (rxy ) ranging from .21 to .64, and the total reliability was .86.

                   For the traditional format which contained 25 items, it had the item discrimination (rxy ) ranging from .23 to .67, and the total reliability was .89.                 

                   For the traditional format which contained 25 items, it had the item discrimination (rxy ) ranging from .23 to .67, and the total reliability was .89.       

          3. The norms and T-score which was extrapolated by using the predictive equation of the multimedia measuring instrument for the desirable characteristic of work commitment of grade 6 students had the lowest T and the highest T from T24 to T73

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