Development Indicators of Growtg Mindset for Sixth Grade Student

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Chulalak Tippawon
Waraporn Erawan


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop indicators of growth mindset for sixth grade students; 2) to validate the growth mindset indicators model for sixth grade students that the author had constructed with empirical evidence. The sample comprised 982 students. The research instrument was a growth mindset measurement form for sixth grade students.

The results were as follows:

        1. The growth mindset for sixth grade students consisted of 7 factors with 16 indicators. They were: 1. like for challenges, with the following indicators: accepting risks, perceiving challenges as opportunities for learning, and learning new things; 2. perseverance in learning, with the following indicators: committed to learning, using effort; 3. problem confronting, with the following indicators: committed to solving problems and obstacles, analyzing the causes of failure, committed to correcting mistakes; 4. learning from criticism, with the following indicators: listening to criticism, improving and developing; 5. intellectual potential developing abilities, with the following indicators: development of the learning potential of the brain, development of one’s own potential of thinking; 6. learning and inspiring by other’s achievements, with the following indicators: seeking and learning from success of others, application of experience and success of others; and 7. expression and responsibility in self-learning, with the following indicators: continuous learning and self-development, responsibility for learning.

         2. The growth mindset indicator model for sixth grade students was found to fit the empirical data (Chi-Square= 213, df = 82, P-value = 0.5667, CFI = 1.000 TLI = 1.002 RMSEA = 0.017, SRMR = 0.021 และ Chi-Square/ df = 0.966).

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