Factors Affecting Continuing to Study in Vocational Education and Guidelines on Promoting the Image of Vocational Education: Mixed Methods Research

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Nichanan Pakkarana
Tatsirin Sawangboon


The research objectives were: 1) to study factors affecting continuing to study in vocational education; 2) to study guidelines on promoting the image of vocational education. The research was divided into three phases. Phase 1 was the study of qualitative data by interviewing 15 grade 10 students and 15 first year students of the certificate of vocational education class in order to collect data and develop the research instrument. Phase 2 was the study of quantitative data by inquiring 330 students from the certificate of vocational education level in the Inspection Area 13 about factors affecting their choice of continuing to study in vocational education. Phase 3 was the study of guidelines on promoting the image of vocational education by interviewing 4 administrators and teachers of vocational colleges.  The research instruments were an interview form and a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using percentage, the mean and standard deviation.

The findings were as follows:

1. The factors that influenced the Inspection Area 13 students’ decision to choose to continue their education in vocational education comprised 8 aspects, having the overall mean at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.19). Considered by aspect, the aspects are ranked in descending order as follows: the expense ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.46), interest in the career (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.33), influence of peer groups / seniors ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.21), image and reputation of the institution ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.15), expectations on the future career ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.14), facilities, location and environment (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.12), influence of the school / teachers (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.09), and support from parents (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.98), respectively.

2. The guidelines on promoting vocational education are listed as follows: (1) on the aspect of student development, the focus was on the production and development of quality manpower in vocational education, with the knowledge and skills required by the professional qualification framework, being able to compete in the labor market, both domestically and in the ASEAN region, and having virtues and ethics and desirable characteristics; (2) on the aspect of organizing for learning and teaching, the focus was on learner-centered learning and teaching for the students, local residents and people from other areas; in addition, curriculums and organizing for learning and teaching in vocational education must be consistent and must keep up with global trends; and (3) on the aspect of educational services, the focus was on professional services to the society by assigning students to provide services to people in the society and build relationships with them, in order to hone their confidence and skills. Improvement on public relations was carried out in order that it could be more accessible. Moreover, educational institution administration was developed by using the principles of good governance, with participation of the teacher and other personnel in raising ideas, guidelines on execution, management of conflicts, and boosting morale for everyone in the educational institution.

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