Characteristics of Rajabhat University Students on the New Frontier of Learning toward Education 4.0
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This study aimed to develop indicators of characteristics of graduates in Education 4.0 of Rajabhat university students, to study the characteristics of graduates in Education 4.0 of Rajabhat university students, and to analyze the latent group profile (LPA) of the characteristics of graduates in Education 4.0 of Rajabhat university students. The sample comprised 9 experts on education and 2,148 students, obtained through multi-stage sampling. The findings are as follows:
1) The characteristics of the graduates in the Education 4.0 of Rajabhat university students comprised 3 components with 24 indicators. Component 1: Social Responsibility, comprising 9 indicators; Component 2: Creative Productivity, comprising 7 indicators; and Component 3: Skills of Graduates 4.0, comprising 8 indicators.
2) As a whole, Rajabhat university students had the characteristics of graduates at a high level in every component. The characteristic of graduates with the highest mean was Component 1: Social Responsibility, having the mean of 4.11. The second highest was Component 3: Skills of Graduates 4.0, having the mean of 3.92; and Component 2: Creative Productivity came last, with the mean of 3.76, respectively.
3) In the LPA of the characteristics of graduates in the Education 4.0 of Rajabhat university students, 3 models were obtained. The number of groups in each model was 2, 3 and 4, respectively. When considering the probability that the classification was the most accurate (Ek), the model with 3 groups (likelihood = -3883.156, AIC = 7794.312, BIC = 7873.718, ABIC = 7829.238, Ek = 0.816) was the most suitable. Group 1 had an average lower than the probability of 243. The average group was closer to the probability of 1167, and the third group had the average lower than the probability of 737.
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