Development of a Method of Organizing for Learning to Promote Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Grade Nine students

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Piyatip Donladlee
Yannapat Seehamongkon


The objectives of the research were: 1) to study problems and guidelines on developing mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students; 2) to develop a method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students; 3) to study the results and evaluate the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students by: 3.1) comparing mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students before and after learning; 3.2) comparing mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students, between using the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability and the normal learning method; 3.3) studying the satisfaction of students with the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability. The research and development process had 3 stages. The sample consisted of 88 grade 9 students from 2 learning groups of Phonthongpattanawittaya School, Phonthong District, Roi Et Province, in the first semester of the academic year 2017, obtained through cluster random sampling. The research instruments were lesson plans, a mathematical problem solving ability test with the difficulty ranging from 0.34 to 0.73, the discrimination ranging from 0.29 to 0.93, the total reliability of 0.900; and a satisfaction test with the discrimination ranging from 0.490 to 0.775, and the total reliability of 0.931. The statistics used were percentage, the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis.

          The results of the study are as follows:

         1. When a student cannot solve mathematical problems, his or her mathematical learning achievement gets low. Some of the ways to solve the problems are: providing various learning activities for students to participate; focusing on solving problems by students themselves; and encouraging students to solve problems in a systematic way, with steps to be followed.

         2. The method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students was based on constructivist theory and the problem solving process of Polya’s. It had 5 steps; reviewing knowledge/introduction, teaching new content, practice, wrap-up, and knowledge applying.

          3. The results of using the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students were:

                    3.1 The students who learned by using the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability of grade 9 students had their scores of mathematical problem solving ability after learning higher than before learning, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

                    3.2 The students who learned by using the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability had their mathematical problem solving ability higher than the students who learned by using the normal learning method, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

                   3.3 The students were satisfied with learning by using the method of organizing for learning to promote mathematical problem solving ability at a highest level.

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