Development of Grade Nine Student’s Mathematical Thinking by Using An Instructional Process to Promote Mathematical Thinking

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Pattama Anan
Anchalee Suknaisith
Manaathar Tulmethakaan


This research purpose was to compare mathematical thinking of two groups of students in grade 9, the group that studied by using an instructional process to promote student’s mathematical thinking, and the group that studied by using normal instructional process. The sample consisted of 68 grade 9 students from Khaosamingwitthayakhom “Jongjinrujirawongupatham” School under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 17, Trat Province. The independent variables were the instructional processes which were the instructional process to promote student’s mathematical thinking and  the normal instructional process; while the dependent variables were the 5 components of mathematical thinking: mathematical problem solving, mathematical reasoning and proof, mathematical communication, mathematical connections, and mathematical representation. The research instruments were a mathematical thinking test, lesson plans basing on the instructional process to promote student’s mathematical thinking, and lesson plans basing on the normal instructional process. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) employed ready-made computer programs.

            The results revealed that the students who studied by using the instructional process to promote student’s mathematical thinking had their mathematical thinking higher than those who studied by using normal instructional process, with statistical significance at the .05 level in all 5 components.

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