Clients’ Expectations and Satisfactions with Service Quality at the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University

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Kanyarin Pommarang
Oranuch Srisa-ard


This research aimed to: 1. study clients’ expectations of service quality at the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University; 2. study the level of clients’ satisfaction with the service quality at the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University; and 3. compare the clients’ expectations and satisfaction with the service quality at the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University. The research was quantitative. The sample consisted of 400 supporting personnel, operational staff and temporary employees. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics employed in the analysis of data were percentage, the mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics; the statistical significance was determined at the 0.05 level.

            The results of the study are as follows:

1. All of the 5 clients’ expectations of the services of the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University: steps of services, service personnel, places and the surroundings, time of services, and communication, as a whole, were at a high level. The aspect with the highest expectation was the places and surroundings.

2. All of the 5 aspects of the clients’ satisfaction with the services of the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University: steps of services, service personnel, places and the surroundings, time of services, and communication, as a whole, were at a high level. The aspect with the highest satisfaction was the places and surroundings.

3. The comparison of the clients’ expectations and satisfaction with the services of the Division of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Mahasarakham University revealed that on the aspect of places and the surroundings, the satisfaction matched the expectations. On the aspects of steps of services, service personnel, time of services, and communication, the clients’ expectations and satisfaction did not match or were different, with statistical significance at the level of .05.

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