The Causal Factors Influencing Digital Literacy of Grade 12 Students in the Northeast Region: Multilevel Structural Equation Model Analysis

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Arun Suikraduang


This research aimed to develop and examine a multi-level causal relationship model of factors affecting digital literacy of grade 12 students in the Northeast Region. The sample consisted of 2,880 grade 12 students from 120 classes in the Northeast Region, in the second semester of the academic year 2018, derived from multi-stage random sampling. The research instrument was a Likert 5-point rating scale questionnaire inquiring factors influencing digital literacy of grade 12 students, with the discrimination ranging from 0.52 to 0.86 and the reliability from 0.88 to 0.97. The statistics employed in the analysis of data were the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and analysis of multi-level structural equation model (MSEM).         The findings revealed the following:

            The multi-level structural equation model of factors affecting digital literacy of grade 12 students in the Northeast Region was in congruence with the empirical data. Every statistical value obtained from checking the validity of the model met the criteria ( gif.latex?\chi&space;^2= 241.38, df = 121, gif.latex?\chi&space;^2/ df = 1.99, CFI = 0.95, TLI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.01, SRMR = 0.01/0.10), and the component weight values of all observed variables were statistically significant at the level of .01, and the total influence of factors affecting digital literacy at the student level indicated that the parent support (SUPP) had the highest influence size (0.91), followed by motivation (MOTI) (0.39) and self-learning (SELF) (0.21), respectively; and all independent variables at the student level together explained the variance of digital literacy by 85 percent. While at the class level, the influence size of the independent variables was statistically significant at the level of .01 only from the independent learning resources (RESO) variables to the variables according to teachers' teaching behavior (BEHT).

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