Development of the Scientific Concept of Reproduction of Flowering Plants and Growth, Using 7E Inquiry-Based Learning With Gallery Walk Technique for Grade 11 Students

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Ratchanok Kanchom
Sumalee Chookhampaeng


           The objective of the Development of the Scientific Concept of Reproduction of Flowering Plants and Growth, Using 7E Inquiry-Based Learning with Gallery Walk Technique for Grade 11 Students was to develop scientific concepts of grade 11 students by organizing 7E Inquiry-Based Learning with Gallery Walk technique. The target group consisted of 46 grade 11 students of Phadungnaree School, Muang District, Mahasarakham Province who studied biology in the academic year 2018. The instruments were: 9 7E Inquiry-Based plans of organizing for learning with Gallery Walk technique, with the allotted time of 12 hours; and a scientific concept test. The statistics employed were the mean, percentage and standard deviation. The results were as follows:

            After the students had studied with the 7E Inquiry-Based plans of organizing for learning with Gallery Walk technique on the topic of Reproduction of Flowering Plants and Growth, the 46 students in the target group had an average score of 24.13 out of 40 points after the first cycle, 28.45 after the second and 33.97 after the third cycle, or 60.32, 71.12 and 84.92 percent of the total score. The number of students who understood the scientific concept at the PU/SM level and above was 46, or 100 percent of the target group.

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