The Needs Assessment for Working with the Standard of Mathematics Teachers in Basic Education Schools
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The purposes of this research were to study the condition and assess the needs of teachers' organizing for learning according to the mathematics teacher standards. The sample consisted of 388 grade 10 mathematics teachers of the basic education level, from the population of 1,527 in the Northeast, obtained through multi-stage random sampling. The research employed the evaluation research methodology. The tools used in the research consisted of (1) a needs assessment form which was used for studying details of the actual practical level and the expected level of the mathematics teachers’ learning organizing; with a 5-point rating scale questionnaire containing 50 items using dual-response form, having the discrimination ranging from 0.51 to 0.83 and the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of 0.95; (2) an interview form, (3) a record format for group discussion, and (4) a field record form. The analysis of data employed descriptive statistics, t-test independent was also used, and the analysis of the needs employed the modified priority needs index (PNImodified) technique.
The results of the research were as follows:
1) The condition of organizing for learning according to the mathematics teacher standards as a whole was at a moderate level ( = 3.21, S.D. = 0.08). When considered by aspect, it was found that the performance was at the moderate level in all aspects, with the aspect of planning of organizing for learning having a higher level of performance than the others (
= 3.47, S.D. = 0.20); the aspect of organizing learning activities came second (
= 3.23, S.D. = 0.12); and followed by the aspect of teachers (
= 3.07, S.D. = 0.15) and the aspect of learning measurement and evaluation (
= 2.98, S.D. = 0.17), respectively.
2) The results of the assessment of the needs for organizing for learning according to the whole mathematics teacher standards revealed that the teachers’ needs, when the actual practical condition and the expected condition were compared, differed with statistically significance at the level of .01 (PNIModified = 0.39). When considered by aspect, it was found that the teachers’ needs were in the field of measurement and evaluation of learning most (PNIModified = 0.52), followed by the aspect of teachers (PNIModified = 0.44), the aspect of organizing learning activities (PNIModified = 0.36) and the aspect of planning of organizing for learning (PNIModified = 0.32) respectively.
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