Discriminant Factors of Undergraduate Dropouts in Mahasarakham University

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Sukanya Taros
Songsak Phusee-orn


The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the factors that are related to the dropping out of Mahasarakham University students in the 1st year of undergraduate degree; 2) to formulate a discriminant equation of the dropping out of Mahasarakham University students in the 1st year of undergraduate degree; and 3) to study guidelines on decreasing the dropout rate of the 1st year undergraduate students of Mahasarakham University. This research was conducted quantitatively and qualitatively. The sample consisted of 239 1st year students who enrolled in courses for at least one semester in 2015 at Mahasarakham University, obtained through stratified random sampling, and 5 1st year students who attended classes for at least one semester in 2015 at Mahasarakham University, obtained through purposive sampling. The instruments used in this study were a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire for formulation of discriminant equation of undergraduate students’ dropping out, and an interview form. The statistics employed were the mean and standard deviation. The discriminant analysis using stepwise method proposed by Wilk’s Lambda was also used in this study.

            The results revealed that:

            1. There were 2 factors which could discriminate the 1st year undergraduate students’ dropping out at Mahasarakham University. They were students’ problems (X1) and family problems (X3). The two factors affected the discriminant equation with the students who were studying and the students who had dropped out, with statistical significance at the .01 level, and predicted group membership of the students who were studying and the students who had dropped out at 76.60% accurate. The discriminant equation in the form of raw scores and standard scores are shown as follows:

                        Discriminant equation in the form of raw scores

                         gif.latex?{Y}'  =  -8.805  +  2.832X1*  -  .492X3

                        Discriminant equation in the form of standard scores

                            gif.latex?{Z}'_{y} =  1.097Z1*  -  .297Z3

            2. The guidelines on decreasing the number of the 1st year undergraduate dropouts at Mahasarakham University are as follows:

                    1) On the student aspect, there should be activities for adjusting student’s attitudes toward a favorable path for education. Responsibility for one’s own duty should be instilled in students, and students should be promoted to adjust themselves to living together on campus.

                    2) On the family aspect, the university ought to support students in education, family income and relationship within the family by holding meetings in order for parents to gain understanding of learning and teaching in each field. The university should elucidate how it promotes student’s part time jobs as well as how to find ways together to solve students’ problems.


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