Development of Self-Control Program for Enhancing Desirable Behaviors in Learning Mathematics of Lower Secondary School Students
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The purposes of this study were: 1) to develop a self-control program for enhancing desirable behaviors in learning mathematics of lower secondary school students; and 2) to compare the desirable behaviors in learning mathematics before using the program (pretest) and after using the program (posttest) and after joining the program for two weeks (follow). The sample used in this research comprised 30 grade 7-9 students derived by using the multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments used in this study were: 1) the self-control program for enhancing desirable behaviors in learning mathematics of lower secondary school students; 2) a program evaluation form; and 3) a desirable behavior measurement form for learning mathematics. The statistics used for analyzing the collected data were the mean, standard deviation and one–way repeated measure ANOVA F-test.
The results showed that 1) the self-control program for enhancing desirable behaviors in mathematics of lower secondary school students, created and developed by the researcher, had the content validity and overall appropriateness at the highest level, and 2) the desirable behaviors in mathematics after using the program (posttest) and two weeks after joining the program (follow) were higher than before using the program (pre-test) with a .05 level of significance.
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