A Study of the Current State and Problems of Higher Order Thinking of the Students in Watchaemarom School

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Kanyarat Cojorn
Kanyarat Sonsupap
Somsong Sitti


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current state and problems of developing higher order thinking of the students of Watchaemarom School; 2) to study the higher order thinking level of the students of Watchaemarom School. The sample consisted of 90 people, classified as 8 school executives and teachers, 51 primary school students and 31 lower secondary school students of Watchaemarom School in the academic year 2017, obtained through multistage sampling. The research instruments were: 1) 2 sets of guidelines on questions for the focus group: (1) for the teachers and the school executives, and (2) for the student groups; 2) 4 higher order thinking test packages which consisted of the analytical thinking test, the critical thinking test, the problem-solving test and the creative test.  The qualitative data analysis employed content analysis while the quantitative data analysis employed the mean, percentage and standard deviation.

The findings are as follows:

          1. The school executives and teachers were well aware of the current state and problems of the students’ higher order thinking which were caused by the school budget, the school curriculum that had a lot of content, a lot of extra-curricular activities, the instructional strategies that emphasized the lecture and lacked activities for promoting the students’ thinking, and the students’ lack of the readiness for learning.

          2. The higher order thinking of both primary and lower secondary school students were at a level below the standard. Only the problem solving of the lower secondary school students passed the criterion. When each aspect of higher order thinking was considered, it was found that: 

                The analytical thinking of both primary and lower secondary school students was lower than the standard, having the mean scores of 4.43 and 3.85 respectively. The analysis of principles had the lowest score.

                The critical thinking of both primary and lower secondary school students was lower than the standard, having the mean scores of 7.30 and 6.75 respectively. Evaluation of arguments had the lowest score.

                The problem solving thinking of primary school students was below the standard, having the mean score of 10.00, while that of the lower secondary school students passed the criterion with the mean score of 12.37. When considered by aspect, examining the outcome had the lowest score.

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