The Study of Effects of Development of Measurement and Evaluation System via Web Application in Municipal Schools of the Local Administration Organization

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Ratchaneewan Tangpakdee


The objectives of this study were to 1) study efficiency of the measurement and evaluation system via web application in municipal schools of the local administration organization and 2) study the users’ satisfaction with the measurement and evaluation system via web application in municipal schools of the local administration organization. The research methodology was the survey method. The target group consisted of 7 experts in educational technology, computer studies, and measurement and evaluation, and 44 teachers using the system. The research instruments consisted of 1) the measurement and evaluation system via web application for municipal schools of the local administration organization, 2) a system efficiency evaluation form for the experts, which contained multiple choices and a cloze section, and 3) a 5-point rating scale satisfaction questionnaire for the teachers. Analysis of data employed frequency, percentage, the mean and standard deviation.

The results of the study revealed that:

1. The experts evaluated the efficiency of the measurement and evaluation system via web application in the municipal schools of the local administration organization and found that the system functioned properly and fast, and it was convenient and easy to use. The system user’s guide had its efficiency in the highest level on all items. Regarding appropriateness in the system operation and security, most items were evaluated as having the highest level of efficiency, except the error notification (71.40 percent) and the user control allowing users to use the system according to their rights correctly (71.40 percent). These 2 items had their efficiency in the high level.

2. The users’ satisfaction with the measurement and evaluation system via web application in the municipal schools of the local administration organization, as a whole, was in the high level (elementary school teachers: M = 4.24, secondary school teachers: M = 3.98, and teachers who were system administrator: M = 4.26).

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Research Article
Author Biography

Ratchaneewan Tangpakdee, Department of Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University

Lecturer /Department of Educational Technology and Communications

Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


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