The Development Guidelines for Primary School Teachers on Organizing Student-Centered Learning

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สุธาสินี คุ้มพะเนียด
ธัชชัย จิตรนันท์


          The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current conditions and the desirable conditions of the development of primary school teachers on organizing student-centered learning; 2) to develop guidelines of primary school teacher development on organizing student-centered learning. The research was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 dealt with the study of the current conditions and the desirable conditions of primary school teacher development on organizing student-centered learning. Phase 2 dealt with the development guidelines for primary school teachers on organizing student-centered learning. The population in Phase 1 consisted of 1,763 teachers from 193 schools under Yasothon Educational Service Area 1 Office. The sample comprised 313 teachers from schools under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 1 in the academic year 2016. In Phase 2, the sample comprised 2 schools with the best practice and 5 experts to assess the guidelines. The instruments for data collection comprised a questionnaire, an Interview form and an evaluation form. The statistics employed in the data analysis comprised percentage, the mean, standard deviation, and the priority need index technique (PNIModified) was used in the need sorting analysis.

           The results of the research were as follows:

  1. Regarding the current conditions and the desirable conditions of the development of primary school teachers on organizing student-centered learning, it was found that the current conditions of the development of primary school teachers on organizing student-centered learning, as a whole, were at a high level. Ranked in descending order, the aspects are: using and development of media / technology innovation in organizing learning; design of organizing learning; learning measurement and evaluation; organizing various learning processes; and creating and developing the curriculum, respectively. Regarding the desirable conditions of the development of primary school teachers on organizing student-centered learning, as a whole, they were at a high level. Ranked in descending order, the aspects are: organizing various learning processes (PNIModified = 0.21); creating and developing the curriculum (PNIModified = 0.17); design of organizing learning; (PNIModified = 0.13); using and development of media / technology innovation in organizing learning (PNIModified = 0.11); and learning measurement and evaluation (PNIModified = 0.09), respectively.

  2. The guidelines of primary school teacher development on organizing student-centered learning were operated on 5 aspects: creating and developing the curriculum; design of organizing learning; organizing various learning processes; using and development of media / technology innovation in organizing learning; and learning measurement and evaluation. The result of the evaluation on the guidelines of primary school teacher development on organizing student-centered learning revealed that the suitability was at a high level.

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