The Development of Learning Activities by Using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with Electronic Book in the Learning Strand of Social Studies, Religion and Culture of Matthayomsueksa 2

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ศศิวิมล อินทปัตถา
เดชา จันทคัต


The purposes of this study were: (1) to develop the plans for organizing learning activities using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book which contributes to analytical thinking ability in the learning strand of social studies, religion and culture of Matthayomsueksa 2, with a required efficiency of 80/80; (2) to find the effectiveness index of the plans for organizing learning activities using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book in the learning strand of social studies, religion and culture of Matthayomsueksa 2; (3) to compare the learning achievements between before and after the study of students by using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book in the learning strand of social studies, religion and culture of Matthayomsueksa 2; (4) to compare analytical thinking ability between before and after the study of the students using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book. The sample used in this study consisted of one group of 35 Matthayomsueksa 2 students attending Yangtaladwittayakarn School, Yangtalad District, Kalasin Educational Area 2 in the first semester of the academic year 2017, selected through cluster random sampling technique from 6 groups, beginning from Matthayomsueksa 2/1 to Matthayomsueksa 2/6. The one assigned to the experimental group was Matthayomsueksa 2/2. The instruments used in the study were: (1) 8 plans for organizing learning activities using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book; the allotted time was 2 hours for each plan. The result of evaluation by experts revealed the average score of 4.61; (2) a 40–item achievement test with the discrimination (B) ranging from 0.21 to 0.88 and the reliability ( ) of 0.89; (3) a 4-choice, 20–item test of analytical thinking with the difficulty (p) ranging from 0.26 to 0.67, discrimination (r) ranging from 0.25 to 0.73 and the total reliability (KR-20) of 0.87 The statistics used for analyzing the data were the mean, percentage, and standard deviation; and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was employed in hypotheses testing.

           The results of the study were as follows:

  1. The plans for organizing learning activities using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book in the learning strand of social studies, religion and culture of Matthayomsueksa 2 had the efficiency of 85.93/80.29, which met the preset criterion.

  2. The effectiveness index of the plans for organizing learning activities using the Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book in the learning strand of social studies, religion and culture of Matthayomsueksa 2 was 0.5755, showing that the students made a 25-percent progress in their learning.

  3. The learning achievement score after learning of the students who learned with the activities of Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book was higher than before learning, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

  4. The analytical thinking ability after learning of the students who learned with the activities of Yonisomanasikarn Approach with the electronic book was higher than before learning, with statistical significance at the .05 level.

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