The Effects of the Growth Mindset Program in Upper Secondary School Students
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The purpose of this study was to study the effects of the growth mindset program in upper secondary school students. The sample comprised 70 students of Banchangkarnchanakulwittaya School, Rayong, in the academic year 2017, obtained through random assignment and matching into two groups. Thirty-five students were assigned into the experimental group, and another 35 into the control group. The research instruments were the growth mindset program and a mindset assessment scale. Two comparisons were made. The first was comparing the growth mindset score of the experimental group with the control group after the experiment; and compare the growth mindset score after the experiment with the score before the experiment, employing t-test.
The research findings were summarized as follows:
- The students in the experimental group demonstrated higher growth mindset score in the post-test than the pre-test, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
- The students in the experimental group demonstrated higher growth mindset score in post-test than the control group, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
The results indicated that the growth mindset program could develop growth mindset of students better, and the growth mindset of the students in the experimental group is better than those in the control group.
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