The Development of a Teacher Development Program on Organizing Learning Activities of English for Communication for Schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27

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นุดจนาจ สัพโส
ศิวะกรณ์ กฤษสุวรรณ


The purposes of the research were (1) to study the components and the indicators of organizing learning events in English for communication for schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27, (2) to study current conditions and desirable conditions of organizing learning events in English for communication for schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27, and (3) to develop a teacher development program on organizing learning events in English for communication for schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27. The sample consisted of 217 teachers, obtained through purposive sampling from 60 schools. The sample size was determined according to the Krejcie and Morgan table. The instruments consisted of an evaluation form, a questionnaire, and an interview form. The statistics employed in data analysis were percentage, the mean and standard deviation.

The results were as follows:

  1. The results of the analysis of the components and the indicators of organizing learning events in English for communication for schools revealed 6 components. They were: a curriculum which emphasized learner-centered learning; teaching English for communication; organizing learning activities; learning media; measurement and evaluation. Also, 30 indicators were revealed. The 5 experts saw that the components and the indicators were suitable at the highest level.

  2. The results of the analysis of the current conditions and desirable conditions of organizing learning events in English for communication for schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27, as a whole, were at a moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.10). Considered by aspect, every aspect was found to be at a moderate level. Regarding the desirable conditions of organizing learning events in English for communication for schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27, as a whole, they were at a highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.52). Considered by aspect, every aspect was at a highest level.

      3.  The evaluation on the suitability, possibility, congruence and usefulness of the Teacher Development Program on Organizing Learning Activities of   English for Communication for Schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 27, and the handbook, by 7 experts revealed that all of the mentioned attributes were at a highest level.


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Research Article


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