Development of a Program to Enhance Teacher’s Competency on Classroom Management for Schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Educational Area Office 7

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นิภาภรณ์ ซ้ายโพธิ์กลาง
ศิวะกรณ์ กฤษสุวรรณ


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the factors and competency indicators of teacher’s classroom management in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7, 2) to study the current state and desirable conditions of teacher’s classroom management competency in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7 and, 3) to develop the program for enhancing teacher’s classroom management competency in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7. The research was of the research and development type. It was divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 dealt with the study of the factors and competency indicators of teacher’s classroom management; the informant group consisted of 5 certified scholars. The research instrument was an evaluation form. The statistics used for analyzing data were the mean and standard deviation. Phase 2 dealt with the study of the current state and desirable conditions of teacher’s classroom management competency; the sample consisted of 322 homeroom teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for analyzing data were the mean and standard deviation. Phase 3 dealt with development of the program for enhancing the teacher’s classroom management competency. The informant group consisted of 7 certified scholars. The research instrument was an evaluation form. The statistics used for analyzing data were the mean, and standard deviation.

           The results of the study were as follows:

  1. The synthesis of the factors and indicators of the teacher’s classroom management competency revealed 5 factors and 25 indicators. They were 1) atmosphere arrangement that contributes to the learner’s learning, happiness and safety; with 5 indicators; 2) classroom directing; with 7 indicators; 3) organizing the data and information of the class/ course; with 4 indicators; 4) promoting positive behaviors between the teacher and the students; with 6 indicators; 5) convenience in organizing learning activities; with 5 indicators. Every factor and indicator had the suitability at a highest level and had the possibility at a highest level.

  2. The analysis of the current state and desirable conditions of the teacher’s classroom management competency revealed that the current state of the teacher’s classroom management competency in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7, as a whole, was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.80). Considered by aspect, every aspect was at a high level. Regarding the desirable conditions of the teacher’s classroom management competency in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7, as a whole, they were at a highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.63). Considered by aspect, every aspect was at a highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.63).

  3. The program developed for enhancing teacher’s classroom management competency in schools under Nakhonratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 7, as evaluated by 7 certified scholars, had the suitability at a highest level and possibility at a highest level.

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Research Article


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