Thailand's Educational Transformation towards Education 4.0

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สุนันท์ สีพาย
ไพฑูรย์ สินลารัตน์


  Education 4.0 is a new concept that has been adapted from 3.0. The 1.0 education is education of the agricultural age. The skills used are for life sustenance. Education 2.0 is education for the light industry. The skills used are industrial skills according to the aptitude of each individual. Education 3.0 is education in the age of technology, emphasizing technological communication skills. And education 4.0 is education that focuses on developing people for production. It is education that responds to the policy of Thailand 4.0. The educational adaptation will need changes in higher education, and development must take place to raise the quality of Thai graduates, basic education, vocational education, secondary education and transition of education for the teaching profession (teachers and teachers of teachers).

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