Development of MattayomSuksa 3 Students Critical Thinking by use of James McKernan’s Time Cycle Process of the Action Research

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ฐิติมา กาลวิบูลย์
วราพร เอราวรรณ์
มนูญ ศิวารมย์


This research aimed to conduct an action research development level Critical
Thinking for MattayomSuksa Three students and to examine the results of the action research
for MattayomSuksa Three students. The target group of this study were 38 MattayomSuksa
Three students of bansabang school, NongHan District, Udontanee Province obtained thorugh
the purposive sampling technique. Which was a teaching package on development Critical
Thinking comprising 14 lesson 21 hour plans practices 7 plans and Critical Thinking tests. This
study was an action research by use of Jam Mckernan’s Time cycle process of the action
research involving eight steps : (1) Survey and problem-identifying (2) Assessment of needs (3)
Assumptions of ideas in solving problems (4) Develop an action plan (5) Perform as planned
(6) Evaluation (7) Reflection (8) Decision the data were collected by Mixed Methodology. The
achievement test was of descriplive content analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed using
Wilcoxon test.
The research findings were as follows:
1. The workshop use of James Mckernan’s time cycle process of the action
for development Critical Thinking was of good quality average was 55.26 for the students
as they Were interested in the lessons and enthusiastic to learn, enjoyed their leaning,
helped each other To learn and improved their Critical Thinking.
2. The students have been developed Critical Thinking the achievement score
after the Workshop was significantly higher, at the level of .01, than the achievement
score before the workshop

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Research Article