A Causal Factors Influencing to Self-Regulated Learning of Lower Secondary School Student In Mahasarakham Province : Multi-Group

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ขนิษฐา ปัตลา
ทรงศักดิ์ ภูสีอ่อน
อรัญ ซุยกระเดื่อง


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study causal factors influencing to
self-regulated learning of students 2) to develop the causal model 3) to examine the
invariance of the causal model. The sample drawn by multi-stage sampling technique
consisted of 390 students in Muttayom 1, 420 students in Muttayom 2 and 391
students in Muttayom 3. The study instruments included a self-regulated learning
scale, a self-efficacy scale, a goal of learning scale, an achievement motivation scale, a
self-esteem scale, a parenting styles scale and a anxiety scale. The reliability scores in
each scale were .898, .901, .853, .929, .876, .822 and .864, respectively. Data was
analyzed by Multi-Group Structural Equation Modeling Analysis with Latent variable.
The findings revealed that the model was found to be consistent with the
empirical data. The chi-square test provided the results of consistency χ 2 = 251.630,
df = 265, p = .713, CFI = 1.000, GFI = .984, AGFI = .980, RMSEA = .000, RMR = .066 and
χ /df = .950 respectively. The variables could explain 76.30 percent of the variance
of self-regulated learning. The direct effect was self-efficacy. The variables directly
and indirectly affecting self-regulated learning were achievement motivation, parenting
styles and anxiety. The indirect effect were goal of learning and self-esteem. The
model was found invariant in terms of the model form and the parameters.
In conclusion, the educational administrators, teacher, parent or the
institutions related to student involved in the development of self-regulated learning
by the development of self-efficacy, achievement motivation, parenting styles, anxiety,
goal of learning and self-esteem so that they will effect to more self-regulated learning,
which will be advantageous for our country development in the future.

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Research Article