The Development the System of Internal Quality Assurance in Faculty of Natural Science in Chumpasack University of LAO People’s Democratic Republic by Applying the Benchmarking Process

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อินทะแสง อินทราชา
ญาณภัทร สีหะมงคล


This research aimed to 1) develop a system of internal quality assurance under the
faculty of natural science, Champasak University, Lao People’s Democratic Republic by
applying benchmarking process. 2) study the effect of using the internal quality assurance
system under the faculty of natural science, Champasack University, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic by applying benchmarking process. 3) Evaluate the internal quality
assurance system under the faculty of natural science, Champasack University, Lao People’s
Democratic Republic by applying benchmarking process. There are 3 phases of research
conducted to meet the objectives of the research. Research samples consisted of 3 groups:
11 interviewees, 41 questionnaire respondents, and 10 experts in the group discussion. The
instruments include of the questionnaire, and the evaluation form. Data were analyzed by
mean and standard deviation. The results were as follows:
1. The results of internal quality assurance system development were consists of 9
elements, 34 indicators and 3 main activities in the system including preparation,
implementation and reporting.
2. The effect of using an internal quality assurance system. The results showed that
the overall elements had a moderate level of quality. The mean score was 2.64.
3. The results of the internal quality assurance system assessment in terms of
accuracy, suitability, benefits and possibilities were found that the evaluation were at a high
level in all aspects. The mean score was 4.50.

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Research Article


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