Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Management with Mixed media to Promote Chinese Speaking skills for Mayhayon Suksa 2 students.

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เยาวพร ศรีระษา
จิระพร ชะโน


The research investigates the communicative language teaching (CLT) management with
mixed media to promote Chinese speaking skills for Mathayomsuksa 2 students. The purposes of
this study are three-fold: 1) to study the communicative language teaching (CLT) management with
mixed media have the standard efficiency of 75/75. 2) to study Chinese speaking skill after used
communicative language teaching (CLT) management with mixed media. 3) to study the
satisfaction of the students learned by communicative language teaching (CLT)management with
mixed media. The purposively selected research sample consisted of 30 Mathayomsuksa 2
students, Khuanpitayasan School, Mahasakham province, being enrolled in the first semester of the
2017 academic years. The instrument use in the study consisted of sixteen lesson plans, a four
mixed media packages, a speaking abilities test in Chinese and the satisfaction test. Statistics
employed in the study were analyzed using mean, percentage and standard deviation.
The research findings were as follows: 1) It was found that the four set mixed media
packages with communicative language teaching (CLT) management to promote Chinese speaking
skills for Mathayomsuksa 2 students had an efficiency value of 77.15/78.80 with was higher than
the set criterion 75/75. 2) The students ‘s achievement in Chinese speaking skill after the
communicative language teaching (CLT) management with mixed media. Grammar / accuracy,
Vocabulary and fluency was good when compared to the evaluation criteria. 3) The result of the
satisfaction of the students learned by communicative language teaching (CLT)management with
mixed media was much at high level mean of (µ= 4.06) and (σ=0.5).

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Research Article


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