The Development of Communicative Ability and Attitude toward Chinese Language of Secondary School’s Students 5 Based on Task-based Language Teaching

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เมิ่งหลัน หลัว
จิระพร ชะโน


The purpose of this research were : (1) to develop learning management based on Taskbased Language Teaching to promote communicative ability in Chinese language of secondary
school’s students 5 at criterion 75/75 , (2) to compare listening comprehension ability of secondary
school’s students 5 between before and after learning, (3) to study speaking comprehension ability
of secondary school’s students 5, (4) to compare reading comprehension ability of secondary
school’s students 5 between before and after learning, (5) to compare writing comprehension
ability of secondary school’s students 5 between before and after learning, (6) to study attitude
toward Chinese language of secondary school’s students 5. The target group were 10 secondary
school’s students 5 in first semester, school year 2016 from English Program of
Sarakhamphittayakhom school, Muang district, Mahasarakham province. The research instruments
were the lesson plans based on Task-based Language Teaching, the Chinese listening
comprehension ability test, the Chinese speaking comprehension ability evaluation form, the
Chinese reading comprehension ability test, the Chinese writing comprehension ability test, and the
questionnaire used for asking students’ opinions toward Chinese Language. The percentage, mean,
standard deviation, advancement percentage, and Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Singed-Ranks Test were
used to analyze the collected data.
The results of this research were as follow :
1. The learning management based on Task-based Language Teaching to
promote communicative ability in Chinese language of secondary school’s students 5 had
the efficiencies of 80.05/77.30, which was higher than the established criterion of 75/75.
2. The students who learned based on Task-based Language Teaching showed
higher of listening comprehension ability than before learning, at the .05 level of significance
3. The speaking comprehension ability of secondary school’s students 5 was at a
good level.
4. The students who learned based on Task-based Language Teaching showed
higher of reading comprehension ability than before learning, at the .05 level of significance
5. The students who learned based on Task-based Language Teaching showed
higher of writing comprehension ability than before learning, at the .05 level of significance
6. The attitude toward Chinese language of secondary school’s students 5 was at
a high level.

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Research Article


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