The Factors affecting the internet usage behaviors in Secondary School In Nong Bua Lamphu Province

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พงษ์พิศ พลศรี
สมนึก ภัททิยธนี


The objectives of this study were to examine the factors and relationship between
factors and internet usage behaviors of Secondary School students in Nong Bua Lamphu
Province. The samplings were selected by using Multi-Stage Random Sampling from 9
schools, 550 students of the 1st semester of academic year 2016. The questionnaire consists
of 88 questions and divided into two parts: part 1 was to examine the factors that affect the
internet usage behaviors, divided into 7 aspects with 68 questions. The discrimination (rxy)
value was between .35 -.91 and reliability value for the whole form was .96. Parts 2 was to
examine the internet usage behaviors, consisted of 20 questions. The discrimination (rxy)
value was between .34 -.93 and reliability value for the whole form was .98. The statistical
tools used for analyzing are percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression
The results found that,
1. The factors affecting the internet usage behaviors are relationship with friends
(F2), to catch up the news and information (F3), the attitudes of using internet (F4), the
environment of using internet (F5), the motivation (F6) and knowing self-efficiency (F7). These
factors relatively affect the internet usage behaviors of Secondary School students in Nong
Bua Lamphu Province with statistical significance 0.05.
2. The predictive variables are relationship with friends (F2), attitudes of using
internet (F4), the motivation (F6) and knowing self-efficiency (F7). These factors give
correlation coefficient value at .655 with statistical significance 0.05, the multiple correlation
coefficient value at (R) .655
(P = .000), the predictive coefficient value (R2adj) at .419 and the standard error value at
.3694. These statistical results reveal the internet usage behavioral variation of sampling at
41.90%. The predictive equation was as follows:
The predictive equation for raw score was
Y'FFF = 2.022 + .379 XF7 + .175 XF4 + .104 XF6 + .071 XF2
The predictive for standard score was
Z'FFF = .683 ZF7 + .252 ZF4 + .203 ZF6 + .065 ZF2

Article Details

Research Article


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