Analytical of the Concept of Buddha-Nature in Mahayana Buddhism with the Development of the mental condition people present


  • Passornrach Krishana มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาลัยสงฆ์เลย


Buddha-Nature, Mahayana Buddhism, Development of the mental


This article the objective of this study was to analyze the concept of Buddhism in Mahayana Buddhism and the spiritual development of people in the present era. It is an important concept in Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Mahayana line of China. Japan and Korea the schools of thought developed in this region all emerged. This Buddhist teaching was an important principle in every sect. Mahayana party believes that all human beings have "Buddha-Nature” or "Buddhism-mind" everyone. Every human being has the right and the ability or has the potential to practice as Buddha-Nature and be able to enlighten as a Buddha. If practicing to purify the mind until pure and flawless with mercy and charisma Therefore, the Mahayana side likened to the relationship between Buddhism and ignorance in the manner that now all beings that possess pure Buddhism still have gigges and ignorance, which make them incapable of realizing the pure nature of Buddhism. The practice of Dharma is therefore gradually refining and eliminating passions. The parable is the gradual removal of these things from the mind of the beings, a return to the pure original state of the mind. Until finally none of these things will hide the pure nature. If Buddhism is integrated into the mind will be able to control emotions not to cause frustration or conflict within the mind Able to adapt to society and the environment happily or happily life conditions Because the mental state is a state in which a person is completely physically, mentally, emotionally and socially having a good relationship with others. Can adapt to the environment well. Can control emotions facing pressure well, dealing with problems effectively. Have a positive self-concept and lead a balanced life.



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How to Cite

Krishana, P. . (2021). Analytical of the Concept of Buddha-Nature in Mahayana Buddhism with the Development of the mental condition people present. Journal of Chaiyaphum Review, 4(2), 24–35. Retrieved from