A Study of Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Communication Competence of Thai Japanese Interpreters


  • Patcharaporn Kaewkitsadang Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


intercultural competence, intercultural communication competence, Thai Japanese interpreters, knowledge, attitudes, skills


This study investigated the intercultural competence and intercultural communication competence of Thai Japanese interpreters. Qualitative research was done with data gathered by in-depth interviews with thirty Thai nationals who worked as Japanese language interpreters in general business enterprises, service industries, and healthcare service industries. Samples, whose Japanese language proficiency level was N2 or higher according to the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), had an average age of 36 and average professional experience of 10 years.

Results from self-assessment surveys showed that samples rated their intercultural and intercultural communication abilities as “good”. Interview findings indicated that samples demonstrated 1) knowledge about social norms, culture, language, communication patterns, and the relationship between language and sociocultural aspects; 2) an open and accepting attitude toward understanding and accepting different cultures instead of being limited by their own culture; 3) an ability to interpret their culture to others, possessing the knowledge, attitude, and skills to explain events and engage in responsive communication as well as objectively and critically evaluate their own and others’ cultural values.

These findings may help enhance knowledge, intercultural understanding, and cultural awareness and facilitate the development of intercultural communication education and interpreter training.


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