Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics of the Thammasat Journal of Japanese Studies


Ethical Guidelines for Editorial Team

            1) The editorial team is responsible for deciding articles based on academic principles and journal guidelines. It should maintain transparency and be able to review at every stage.

            2) Editorial decisions should be free from bias based on race, ethnicity, belief, gender, and political views.

            3) The editorial team should select reviewers based on qualifications and expertise, ensuring they are unbiased and adhere to double-blind peer review principles.

            4) Protecting the personal information of authors and reviewers is a duty of the editorial team.

            5) The editorial team should not engage in artificial citations for journal metric to increase the journal ranking or impact factor.

            6) The editorial team is responsible for detecting and managing irregularities in articles and the review process, such as self-plagiarism, plagiarism from others, and conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors, and should promptly address such issues with the parties involved.


Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers

            1) Reviewers are responsible for reviewing articles based on academic principles, free from bias, and providing constructive feedback to improve the quality and academic standards of the manuscript.

            2) Reviewers should protect the confidentiality of the content under review, not disclosing any part of it to unrelated parties, and should not contact the authors without permission from the editorial board.

            3) Reviewers should identify and report any irregularities in the manuscript, such as potential plagiarism, to the editorial board promptly.

            4) Reviewers must inform the editorial board immediately if there is a possibility of conflicting interests, collaboration with the authors, personal conflicts, or any other relationships with the authors.


Ethical Guidelines for Authors

            1) Authors are responsible for preparing articles in accordance with academic principles and the journal guidelines.

            2) Authors should maintain records of relevant data related to the article to allow the editorial board to verify if requested.

            3) Authors must certify that the manuscript is an original work, not copied from their own or others' work, and includes accurate citations following academic principles and journal guidelines.

            4) Authors should not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.

            5) Authors must obtain permission to use personal data or unpublished original work as references.

            6) All listed authors should have contributed to the manuscript as claimed, and all authors must consent to the submission and publication of the manuscript in the journal.