Educational Animation for Learning Japanese Mimetic Words: Users’ Opinions and Effectiveness
Animation Teaching Material, Japanese Mimetic Words, Influence of Thai language, Usage ContextAbstract
The purpose of this research is to study the production of Japanese mimetic words teaching material in the form of animation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the materials by analyze the feedback from teacher and student. The research target group size is 40 participants, which includes 3 Japanese language teachers and 37 students, who are interested in studying Japanese mimetic words. In addition, the effectiveness of the material was further studied by testing the result of before and after using teaching materials from 6 students.
The results showed that after using the teaching material prepared by the researcher, students were able to perform the test 5-30% better. However, there were some Japanese mimetic words that students wrongly chose after using the teaching materials, although they have already chosen correctly before using teaching materials. The reason that students chose the wrong answer is from the influence of the Thai language and the ambiguity of the usage context in teaching materials. Therefore, in the production of teaching materials, caution should be taken in two those 2 issues, so that students can understand how to use Japanese mimetic words more correctly.
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