The Commemoration of War Dead in Japan: Case study of Kanchanaburi Ireito, 1943 - 1944


  • Nipaporn Ratchatapattanakul Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Kanchanaburi Cenotaph, Thail-Burma Railway, commemoration, Asian laborers, prisoner of war


The Kanchanaburi Ireito, also known as the Kanchanaburi Cenotaph, is a memorial site constructed on the orders of the Japanese army in Kanchanaburi province in 1943 during World War II. The site does not have an official Thai name and features various explanations regarding the reasons for its construction. The lack of clarity regarding these basic facts has persisted for over five decades since the end of the war in 1945. This article aims to explore the initial meaning of Kanchanaburi Ireito as a memorial site of the Japanese army in a territory allied with Japan. It studies documents, letters, and analyses under the religious dimension of commemorating those who died in the war. The article proposes that Kanchanaburi Ireito was built under the vision of commemorating war casualties based on Japan’s religious beliefs, which include the concepts of shizume (pacification) and furui (inspiration) along with the ideology of Hakko ichiu (imperial rule over the eight corners of the earth). This ideology promotes a sense of righteousness in Japan’s war efforts.


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