Investigating of Reading Attitudes, Motivation, and Reading Anxiety of Thai Students Majoring in Japanese


  • Varoth Tontiwachwuthikul Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Reading attitude, Reading motivation, Reading anxiety, Undergraduates


This study investigated reading attitudes, reading motivation, and reading anxiety of 99 Thai undergraduates majoring in Japanese. Two groups with different backgrounds were investigated: beginning and intermediate. Some had experiences studying Japanese before attending university, while others did not. Research instruments were adapted from the foreign language reading attitude and motivation scale (FLRAMS) developed by Erten, Topkaya, and Karakas and the foreign language reading anxiety scale (FLRAS) of Saito, Horwitz, and Garza. Final questionnaires were divided into three scales: 1) attitudes about reading Japanese; 2. motivation to read Japanese; and 3) anxiety about reading Japanese.

Results indicated a significant different between beginning and intermediate levels in reading and reading anxiety. In terms of attitudes, intermediate students felt that succeeding to read Japanese would be helpful in future more than did beginners. In terms of reading anxiety, a significant difference existed between students experienced or inexperienced in studying Japanese. The correlation among attitude, motivation, and anxiety in reading Japanese showed a significant positive correlation between attitude and motivation. The more positive the attitude, the higher motivation to read. There was a significant negative correlation between motivation and anxiety, so the higher anxiety, the less motivation is noticeable.


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