A Survey on the Current Situation of Sentence Comprehension Difficulties among Thai Learners of Japanese: Focus on the Aspects of Sentence Structure


  • Saeng-urai Thitisorn 東京外国語大学, 大学院総合国際学研究科


Foreign language learning environment, Reading comprehension, Intensive reading, Translation tasks, Ideas units


As Japanese language level improves among learners, they are required to read and comprehend linguistically complex texts. However, reading linguistically complex sentences places emphasis on working memory, and it is assumed that semantic processing may not proceed smoothly. The purposes of this study were to clarify what syntactically complex sentences are difficult to comprehend and investigate how learners understood the semantic content. A survey was conducted with 77 Thai learners of Japanese. The subjects were given three different Japanese-Thai translation tasks, and the sentences translated by the learners were analyzed. It was found that four particular elements, when contained within a sentence, could hinder the understanding of Japanese by Thai learners, including 1) indirect question clauses, 2) the Ru-form and Ta-form of the predicate in noun-modifying clauses, 3) negative questions, and 4) concord expressions called Ko-Ou expressions.


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