Occupational planning of Thai Students and Japanese Students: Case Study Students of the Japanese Language and Culture Major, Payap University and Students of Keisen University and Kinjo Gakkuin University, Japan


  • Phatchaya Suphachai Faculty of Humanities and Communication Arts, Payap University
  • Shewin Suksamana Faculty of Humanities and Communication Arts, Payap University


occupational planning, finding a job, Thai student, Japanese student


This research aims to study the Occupational planning of Thai students and Japanese students to offer on the guidelines for developing and improving the teaching and learning programmes and extracurricular activities for the preparation for work of 20 students in the Japanese Language and Culture Major, Payap University and 21 students of the Keisen University and Kinjo Gakkuin University, Japan. The research instruments applied in this research are questionnaires relating to the ooccupational planning and work experience training before graduation. 

The research result found that the awareness of the Thai students and the Japanese students in planning and preparing for work was at a high level; however, the hands-on practice to study professional information and work experience after study hours was at a medium level. Additionally, Thai students start applying for a job later than Japanese students by up to 1 year. Consequently, the department should be developed the teaching and learning programmes by adding job interview simulation activities in the Business Japanese courses and extracurricular activities to encourage the students to better prepare for work with a more timely and practical approach.


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