Japan and the Small States in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Japan - Brunei Darussalam and Japan - Timor-Leste Relations


  • Nophadol Chartprasert Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Japan, Brunei Darussalam, Timor-Leste, economic superpower, foreign policies of the small states


          As a major power, Japan has been extensively and intensively developed its relationship with Southeast Asian countries. However, the levels of engagement between Japan and those countries present as diverse. That depends upon the quality of tangible and intangible powers each of Southeast Asian countries substantially contributes to Japan’s interests in the region.
          Regarding the relationship with small states - Brunei Darussalam and Timor-Leste, although the common characteristics as cordial and comparatively minimal seem to be defined in Japan’s foreign policy towards its relations with these countries, the distinctiveness is noticeably evident. The distinguishing features include the nature of World War II Japanese policy towards these countries, the nature of economic exchange
during the post-war period, , and the roles of other regional powers that have the impact on Japan relations with these two states.


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