Profile bios of Thai and Japanese male homosexuals on dating applications


  • Phuwat Thainta -
  • Nakatani Naoki


dating applications, self-introduction, Thai male homosexuals, Japanese male homosexuals


          This research aims to analyse and compare the profile bios of Thai and Japanese male homosexuals on dating applications. 100 statements from profiles were collected for analysis. It is found that there are similarities and differences between how Thai and Japanese male homosexuals introduced themselves on dating applications. Regarding similarities, many of the collected statements involved self description. It can be said that despite linguistic and cultural differences, the connection between the two groups is the emphasis on one’s qualities. Self description of one’s qualities was a significant
factor in other parties deciding whether or not to initiate a relationship with a given individual.
          In terms of differences, Japanese male homosexuals used statements expressing one’s desire more than their Thai counterparts. This highlights the socio-cultural difference between Thai and Japanese people in that, for the latter, process and time are required to build a relationship. These requirements can be explained in relation to the insider-outsider distinction. In Japanese culture, for an outsider to become an insider, it is essential to be acquaintances and have mutual trust. In addition, the collected data
reveals that the two groups hold different views of relationships. There is a greater tendency for Japanese individuals to set high expectations and seek a serious relationship. Based on language use in profile bios of Thai and Japanese male homosexuals on dating applications, it can be concluded that although users of social networking platforms targeted for male homosexuals may have similar purposes, socio-cultural differences influence their views towards relationship building.


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