Factors Influencing Voluntary Behaviors: Case Study of Thai Holistic Health Foundation

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วรรณรินทร์ วุฒิพรหม
จุฬารัตน์ วัฒนะ
ชูศักดิ์ เอื้องโชคชัย


This research was aimed to examine (1) the level of the factors related to the voluntary behaviors of the volunteers in the Thai Holistic Health Foundation (THHF volunteers), (2) the level of the voluntary behaviors of the THHF volunteers, and (3) the relationships among the factors related to the voluntary behaviors of the THHF volunteers. The study sample consisted of 78 volunteers selected through accidental sampling out of the overall population of volunteers in the Project of “Developing the Quality of Children’s Life for Children in the Assistance Home by Voluntary Power.” The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire about the factors related to the voluntary behaviors.

The results revealed that (1) both personal and social factors related to the voluntary behaviors of THHF volunteers were at the high level; (2) the voluntary behaviors of THHF volunteers were at the high level; (3) the relationships between the personal factors and the voluntary behaviors were as follows: the self-directed learning correlated positively and significantly (p<.01) with the voluntary behaviors at the moderate level; the voluntary motivation correlated positively and significantly (p<.01) with the voluntary behaviors at the moderate level. The social factors including networks, family supports and volunteer models correlated positively and significantly (p<.05) with the voluntary behaviors at the moderate level. Through the stepwise multiple regression analysis, it was revealed that self-directed learning and voluntary networks could mutually predict volunteer spirit behaviors of the THHF volunteers as much as 34.7 percent.

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How to Cite
วุฒิพรหม ว., วัฒนะ จ., & เอื้องโชคชัย ช. (2019). Factors Influencing Voluntary Behaviors: Case Study of Thai Holistic Health Foundation. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 6(1), 78–99. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/isshmu/article/view/192884
Research Article


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