The Operational Mechanism of International Affairs in the Post-Covid-19 Era: A Case Study of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University

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Naphanat Kongkarat


This academic article focused on studying the operational mechanism of international affairs of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) at Mahidol University after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study utilized concepts and theories related to international affairs and the internationalization of higher education institutions, incorporating documentary studies. This article found that there are 7 mechanisms of international affairs that SH has employed in the post-Covid-19 era: 1) setting strategic plans for SH’s international affairs, 2) developing support systems of SH’s international affairs, 3) enhancing SH’s international affairs personnel’s skills and knowledge, 4) promoting research collaborations and exchanging knowledge between higher education institutions in Thailand and around the world, 5) reconnecting with institutional partners which SH lost touch with during the Covid-19 pandemic and establishing new partnerships with new foreign universities offering courses similar to SH, 6) upholding online academic services and international affairs, and 7) making SH’s identity more internationally acceptable. More importantly, SH should utilize tools to monitor and evaluate these operational mechanisms.

This article offers several contributions related to enhancing the effectiveness of international affairs in higher education institutions in the post-Covid-19 era. First, besides relying exclusively on onsite interactions, the international affairs in higher education institutions after the Covid-19 should adopt a hybrid model of international affairs which integrates online and onsite platforms to help international affairs personnel work conveniently, efficiently, and effectively. Furthermore, digital technology such as Zoom Clouding Meetings and Cisco WebEx Meetings should be used to promote international affairs activities such as collaborative negotiations and virtual events. Finally, digital tools can help executives and international affairs personnel collect data and make effective and efficient decisions on international affairs operations.

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How to Cite
Kongkarat, N. (2023). The Operational Mechanism of International Affairs in the Post-Covid-19 Era: A Case Study of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 10(1), 39–50. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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