Best Practices in the Management of Private Early Childhood Care Centers in Foreign Countries

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Lapasrada Jitwarin
Uthaithip Jiawiwatku
Athiwat Jiawiwatkul
Suwimol Ukraisa
Suvimon Sanviengchan
Ponpawee Uraisawat
Prapimparn Suvarnakuta
Supranee Monda
Sairung Jaiim
Yurachat Chuenmuang
Sittiporn Klakhang
Chatree Lundam


This research article aimed to synthesize the best practices in the management of private early childhood care centers in foreign countries on 4 continents, namely 1) Asia: South Korea, Japan, and Singapore; 2) Oceania: New Zealand and Australia; 3) Europe: the Netherlands, Finland, and UK; and 4) North America: USA and Canada. Data used in this study were drawn from secondary sources of information related to the management of early childhood care centers in the studied countries which consisted of 72 articles published between 2004 to 2021. The research tools used in this study included data record form validated by experts, content analysis and synthesis, and data conclusion. This study found that there were 15 common factors contributing to the success of private early childhood care centers in the studied countries: 1) managing the organization systematically, 2) managing the curriculum systematically, 3) managing the organizational data systematically, 4) managing human resources systematically, 5) managing organizational and environmental safety effectively, 6) promoting health and wellness and learning experiences in children, 7) increasing family and community involvement, 8) enhancing comprehensive child care and development, 9) promoting physical development and health care in children, 10) promoting intellectual, language, and communication development in children, 11) promoting emotional, mental, and social development and cultivating morality and good citizenship in children, 12) preparing kids in transition to the next grade, 13) enhancing effective organizational culture, 14) focusing on disaster and emergency preparedness, and 15) placing importance on knowledge management in the early childhood care center.

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How to Cite
Jitwarin, L., Jiawiwatku, U., Jiawiwatkul, A., Ukraisa, S., Sanviengchan, S., Uraisawat, P., Suvarnakuta, P., Monda, S., Jaiim, S., Chuenmuang, Y., Klakhang, S., & Lundam, C. (2023). Best Practices in the Management of Private Early Childhood Care Centers in Foreign Countries. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 10(1), 101–126. Retrieved from
Research Article


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