Village Water Supply System Management During Drought Conditions in Upper Li Watershed Community, Lamphun Province: Problems, Local Government Organization’s Roles, and Recommendations

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Samart Jaitae
Siwalee Rattanapunya


This article aimed to analyze and present problems of management of village water supply system during drought conditions in Upper Li Watershed Community, Lamphun Province and examine roles of local government organizations in managing the village water supply system during drought conditions. This article also provided recommendations for managing the drought crisis in the upper Li River watershed community, Lamphun Province more effectively and efficiently. This article employed narrative literature reviews and thematic method to analyze the data. This article found that the problems of village water supply system in the drought conditions included the inefficiency of the structure of water supply production; contaminants found in tap water, and the inefficiency of the village water supply system management. In terms of the role of local government organizations in the studied areas, this article found that most of them follow the quality standards for the environmental health service system—Issue 2.: Village Water Quality Management (produced by local administrative organizations). Finally, some recommendations were provided to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of managing village water supply systems during the drought crisis in Upper Li Watershed Community, Lamphun Province: improving of the quality and efficiency of the structure of water supply production, monitoring and controlling the quality of tap water, improving the responsiveness of local government organizations in managing village water supply systems, and enhancing citizen participation in village water supply system management.

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How to Cite
Jaitae, S., & Rattanapunya, S. (2023). Village Water Supply System Management During Drought Conditions in Upper Li Watershed Community, Lamphun Province: Problems, Local Government Organization’s Roles, and Recommendations. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 10(1), 51–64. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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