Fiscal Policy and Digital Baht: Past, Present, and Future

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Rhatsarun Tanapaisankit
Somboon Sirisunhirun


This academic article employed a systematic literature review method to examine the readiness of using the digital baht in Thailand in the near future. Since late 2022, the Bank of Thailand has been conducting a pilot test of the use of the digital baht (a.k.a., Retail Central Bank Digital Currency: Retail CBDC) in three financial institutions with a sample of 10,000 persons. Meanwhile, the Thai government, as an economic and fiscal policy maker, has been seen to elevate the nation’s digital currency and payments system by launching several digital payment platforms such as PromptPay system, Paotang digital wallet, and so forth. In addition, this article examined the evolution of China’s digital currency—the digital yuan—and the implementation of the digital yuan by the Chinese government and offered several recommendations for the Thai government to implement fiscal policies related to the digital baht efficiently and effectively, including building digital technology infrastructure; ensuring data governance especially data privacy; establishing a dedicated institution to administer and enhance the management of big data; harmonizing the use of monetary and fiscal policies; and monitoring the situation of using digital baht around the globe closely. This is to guarantee that we could utilize the digital baht correctly, reduce leakage, be more effectiveness, and be measurable for the context of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Tanapaisankit, R., & Sirisunhirun, S. (2023). Fiscal Policy and Digital Baht: Past, Present, and Future. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 10(1), 65–100. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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