Creating Opportunity, Equity, and Equality in Education for Thai People of All Ages and Human Capital Development in the Digital Age

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Tanoo Kwandech


The National Scheme of Education of Thailand B.E. 2560-2579 (A.D. 2017-2036) indicates that education is a fundamental human right for Thai people of all ages, and the Thai government needs to provide inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Thai people in order to ensure that Thai people will have essential skills needed in the 21st century and create Thai people’s happiness and immunity in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy. The Thailand National Scheme of Education comprises six strategies, namely Strategy 1: Educational management for the strength of the nation and society; Strategy 2: Development of research, innovation, and workforce to increase the national competitiveness; Strategy 3: The development of skills for people of all ages and the promotion of a lifelong learning society; Strategy 4: Opportunity creation, equity, and equality in education; Strategy 5: Educational management to enhance the quality of an eco-friendly life; and Strategy 6: Developing educational administration competencies. This article places emphasis on Strategy 4: Educational opportunity creation, equity, and equality, and is divided into five parts. Section 1 provides a brief introduction of educational opportunity, equity, and equality policies and practices in international organizations, European Union countries, Asia-Pacific countries, and E9 countries; Section 2 describe the history and current status of educational opportunity, equity, and equality policies and practices in Thailand; Section 3 describes the role of education in human capital development for Thai people of all ages; Section 4 suggests some recommendations to improve educational opportunity, equity, and equality policies and practices for Thai people of all ages; and Section 5 suggests some recommendations on how to leverage digital and technological innovations to develop human capital in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Kwandech, T. (2022). Creating Opportunity, Equity, and Equality in Education for Thai People of All Ages and Human Capital Development in the Digital Age. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 9(1), 87–103. Retrieved from
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